DISCLAIMER: We have made a diligent effort to make this information as current and accurate as possible. However, laws change and are subject to interpretation. Therefore, it is advised that you verify and confirm any and all information posted on this website.
To protect your children from being subjected to harmful CSE programs, use a parental non-consent form, also known as an opt-out form. Two sample forms, one by Liberty Counsel, and a California Healthy Youth Act form by A&M Resources, along with instructions for use, can be found here.
You can get involved to stop CSE and protect the health and innocence of children across the U.S. and in countries around the world:
Let us put you in contact with other people and organizations who are actively involved in helping to protect the health and innocence of children in your state.
Use the form below to send us your name, city, state, school district, and any questions or concerns you may have about CSE in your state, and we will connect you with people from your state or one of our national representatives.