We, as Concerned Fayette Citizens, including parents, grandparents, students, teachers,
religious, community, and business leaders, petition the Fayette County Board of
Education to:
Respect parental rights and community standards by continuing the current, proven effective curricula, Choosing The Best, and allow it to be displayed for public view along with the other options being considered by the Review Committee. This curriculum meets all the current Standards, and has for over two decades, and is regularly updated to address current issues.
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Ensure a non-digital sex education portion of the Health curriculum because
a) it can be changed by instructors or facilitators,
b) access leads to outside unhealthy and dangerous websites despite filters, and
c) parents have no access to materials.
Ensure FCS does not adopt any sex education materials that could be construed to normalize or condone sexual conduct of children of minor age.
Ensure highly controversial elements related to sex education are not included in FCS curriculum, including all materials or instruction related to sexual orientation, unscientific gender identity theories and obscene materials.
While parents have the right to opt out their children, this process ostracizes the student, exposes them to bullying and brings division between parent and child. If FCBOE adopts a controversial curriculum, many parents will feel forced to explore other options, including for charter schools, private schools or homeschooling. We further assert that controversial issues should be addressed outside of the school or by families in their homes.