23 Mar How CSE Harms Children
Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) has many highly controversial components that can be harmful to children.
Many CSE programs teach children about sex, sexuality, or sexual pleasure as young as age 5. World Health Organization (WHO) programs have CSE concepts targeting children from as early as 0 to 4 four years old.
The topics below are some of the most harmful concepts CSE programs promote to children. Actual excerpts from comprehensive sexuality education programs and materials can be found by clicking on each concept below.
Harmful CSE Program Concepts:
Click on the topics below for excerpts from various CSE programs.
- CSE teaches children to masturbate.
- CSE encourages acceptance and exploration of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities
- CSE promotes high risk sexual behaviors (including anal and oral sex) and teaches they are safe.
- CSE promotes sexual pleasure and promiscuity as a right for children.
- CSE promotes abortion as safe and without consequences.
- CSE encourages children to experiment sexually with individuals of their own sex or the opposite sex.
- CSE claims access to “comprehensive sexuality education” is a human right.
- CSE teaches children and youth they are sexual from birth.
- CSE promotes condoms to children without informing them of their failure rates.
- CSE promotes disrespect for parents and religious and cultural values.
- CSE promotes sexual counseling, information or services to minors without parental consent.
- CSE trains children to advocate for their “sexual rights” in laws and policies.
- CSE encourages “peer to peer” sexuality education.