CSE Harmful Elements Analysis Tool

The “CSE Harmful Elements Analysis Tool” was created to be used to help  expose the harmful elements in comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) materials, including classroom curricula, community programs as well as national and international guidelines, teacher training modules, evaluation tools and other materials that direct what is to be taught to even very young children in the early grades. 


The analysis tool is designed to help policymakers, school administrators, educators, and other concerned citizens assess, evaluate, and expose harmful elements within comprehensive sexuality education (CSE). The tool includes 15 elements commonly included in CSE programs that have been identified as potentially most destructive to children’s health and long-term well-being. The analysis is done by taking examples in the form of direct quotes from CSE materials and placing them in the tool according to which of the 15 harmful elements the quote illustrates.


Having even one of these elements present indicates that the analyzed materials are inappropriate for children. Materials that include several of these harmful elements should be disqualified for use with children.

Download CSE Analysis tool:  Word  |  Pdf   

* The “CSE Harmful Elements Analysis Tool” was created by Family Watch International. Family Watch is not responsible for the way in which this tool is used by individuals who do independent analyses of CSE materials.