
This page contains links to explicit CSE materials. Though intended for children these materials are inappropriate for children and may even be offensive to adults.

WHO Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe

World Health Organization’s Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe: A framework for policymakers, educational and health authorities and specialists


TARGET AGE GROUP:  0 – 19 Years

Curriculum Excerpts

The following excerpts are from the World Health Organization’s Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe: A framework for policy makers, educational and health authorities and specialists


For Children Age 0-4 years


“Give information about enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s body . . . masturbation”
“Enable children to gain an awareness of gender identity”
“Give the right to explore gender identities”


For Children Age 4-6 years


“Give information about early childhood masturbation”
“Give information about same-sex relationships”
“Give information about . . . different concepts of a family”
“Help children develop respect for different norms regarding sexuality


For Children Age 6-9 years


“Give information about . . . different methods of conception”

“Give information about enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s own body, early childhood masturbation”

“Give information about friendship and love towards people of the same sex”


For Children Age 9-12 years


“Give information about different types of contraception . . . enable children to use condoms and contraceptives effectively in the future”

“Gender orientation and differences between gender identity and biological sex”

“Give information about pleasure, masturbation, orgasm”

“Give information about sexual rights as defined by the International Planned Parenthood Federation and the World Association for Sexual Health”


For Children Age 12-15 years


“Gender identity and sexual orientation, including coming-out/homosexuality”

“Give information about pleasure, masturbation, orgasm”

“Enable teenagers to obtain and use condoms and contraceptives effectively”

“Give information about sexual rights as defined by the International Planned Parenthood Federation and the World Association for Sexual Health”


For Age 15 and up


“Surrogacy, medically assisted reproduction and “designer” babies, genetics”

“Help teenagers to develop a critical view of different cultural/religious norms related to pregnancy, parenthood, etc.”

“Help teenagers to develop a change from possible negative feelings, disgust and hatred towards homosexuality to acceptance and celebration of sexual differences”

“Sexual rights: access, information, availability, violations of sexual rights, right to abortion”